a week at calvary


9.15 am  Pre-service Prayer | Prayer Room

10.00 am  Morning Worship (a Live Stream is available on Youtube).

- Children's Ministry happens during the morning service.


7.00pm Discipleship Class | held downstairs - please use lower doors


6.30 pm  SHIELD Youth | Grades 7-12


11:30 am  Wednesday Lunch | Grades 10-12 - please use lower doors

6.30 pm  Prayer meeting | held downstairs - please use lower doors

7:00 pm  Young Adults (ages 18-25) held bi-weekly off site.  Contact the church for details.

7.00pm  Ladies Bible Study | held in the prayer room bi-weekly.


6.00 pm  CLUB 56 | Grades 5-6- held every first and third Thursday held at Chilcotin Road Elementary

FRIDAY | Church office closed

5.00PM Young Families Pot Luck dinner held off site. Contact the church for details.